
Helpful Hints Before “Lighting Up” for the Holidays

holiday lighting tips

The holidays are here. It won’t be long until our stomachs swell from eating so much turkey and stuffing. Soon after, stores and shopping malls will be just as bloated with scores of shoppers in search of holiday deals. But there’s something else that’s synonymous with the extended Thanksgiving weekend: the start of decorating season. In between the football games and tasty leftovers, many of us will begin to sift through the dust-covered boxes of decorations and untangle the mess of string lights that will soon cover our homes in bright, blinking glory. Hanging lights can be a long, grueling affair, but it’s made much easier when making proper preparations. Here are some holiday lighting tips:

Start with a Plan

Having a game plan will make the entire hanging process much easier and spare you many common mistakes. First, consider where you’ll be hanging lights. Are you following a tried-and-true design from past years, or are you looking for something different this time around? Measure the areas you intend to include in your display to make sure you have enough lights and be sure to have easy access to an electrical outlet.

Next, make a checklist of all the tools and equipment you will need. Having everything together before you begin will save time by limiting trips and up and down the ladder in search of forgotten items. Keep equipment in a bag or sack for easy carry, and later use it for storing broken bulbs and the coffee cans or cardboard boxes your lights are wrapped around. Light clips make hanging a breeze but be sure to have plenty of clips on hand and keep extra bulbs around in case any break during set-up. Duct or electrical tape also will be helpful to seal connected light strands, keeping moisture out and the power on.

Clean Before Hanging

Once the lights are on and the decorations are in place, all eyes will be focused on your house, so make sure it’s ready for all the attention. Pressure or power washing will have it primed for the spotlight. Built-up dirt is no match for a thorough pressure washing, and it’s important to remove mold or mildew before it can flourish over a dark, damp winter. D&L Enterprises offers professional power washing services for much of central Maryland and we can quickly and efficiently clean any type of surface.

We also advise our friends and clients to make sure gutters have been cleaned before hanging lights. It’s an important part of winterizing your home, and you won’t want to deal with it once it’s covered in blinking bulbs. Clogged gutters lead to water leaks, and in the cold winter months, shingles can suffer significant damage as a result of ice dams.

If you need help cleaning gutters, give D&L Enterprises a call. We provide professional handyman services in Maryland and are well equipped to clean out gutters or make any necessary repairs. Our staff has the experience and know-how to tackle any task.